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안녕하세요~ 전역을 앞에 두고 다시 RPG만들기에 불붙은 녹색주머니입니다+_+



open(file[, mode]) {|io| ... }

Opens file and returns a File object. mode specifies one of the following strings. When mode is omitted, the default is "r".

  • "r": Opens file in read mode.

  • "w": Opens file in write mode. If a file already exists when file is opened, the previous file's contents will be deleted.

  • "a": Opens file in write mode. Output will always be appended to the end of the file.

Using "+" opens the file in read-write mode (RDWR):

  • "r+": Sets the read-write position to the beginning of the file.

  • "w+": The same as "r+", but if a file already exists when file is opened, the previous file's contents will be deleted.

  • "a+": The same as "r+", but if a file already exists when file is opened, the read-write position will be set to the end of the file.

The "b" flag can also be added to any of these (in the format "r+b") to open the file in binary mode.



대충 r은 읽기모드. w는 쓰기모드라는 건 알겠는데..


Q1.  w와 a의 차이점.


Q2. +의 기능은?  안 붙이면 파일의 첫단부터 읽는거고 붙이면 마지막단부터읽는게 맞는지...


Q3. b는 ? 제한모드라는데 전혀 감을 못잡겠네요.

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