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창조도시 기록보관소

게임 [투표]RPG만들기 투표

2007.01.06 01:55

ⓦildⓡose★ 조회 수:937 추천:2



오랜만에 창조도시에 접속하는 기념으로,


글을 씁니다..


1.. 사용하고 계시는 RPG 제작툴을 골라주세요.


1. RPG 95 2. RPG 2000 3. RPG 2003 4. RPGXP 5. 비주얼베이직 6. 기타


2. RPG 제작을 하다가 지겨울때, 하는 게임이나 하는일은?


1. 온라인 게임 2. 플래시 게임 3. 인터넷 사진보기 4. 인터넷 글 보기 5. 기타


3. 당신의 나이는?


1. 5~13세(유아,초등학생)  2. 14~19세(중,고등학생) 3. 20~30세 (청년) 4. 31~40세(중년)


5. 41~50세(노인) 6. 51세~(어르신(?))


4. 당신의 취미는?


1. 수집하기 2. 운동 3. 컴퓨터 4. 거짓말 5. 만화책보기 6. 기타


5. 당신이 생각하는 정신연령은?


1. 1세~10세 2. 11세~20세 3. 21세~30세 4. 31세~40세 5. 41세~


6. 당신이 생각하는 당신의 I Q


1. 50~80 2. 90~110 3. 110~130 4. 140~180 5. 190~300(...)


7. 주로 당신의 성격은?


1. 소심하다 2. 찌질이다 3. 터프하다 4. 재수없다 5. 깔끔하다 6. 멋있다

7. 짜증난다고 한다 8. 착하다 


보너스... 오타쿠테스트...













The Anime Otaku-ness



Test 200

Just how much of an anime otaku are you?
Check every box you answer "yes" to, and find out!

Do you refer to japanese animation as "anime"?
Do you get upset when people call japanese animation 'cartoons'?
Do you commonly use words like 'nani' and 'baka' even though you can't speak Japanese?
If yes, do you know what 'nani' and 'baka' mean?
Have you learned all the Japanese you know from watching anime?
Can you name three or more Japanese anime companies?
Can you name three or more US anime companies?
Have you ever participated in an anime-related RPG session? (Role Playing Game)
Did you name your computer after an anime character?
Did you name a pet after an anime character?
Did you name one of your children after an anime character?
Do you know what a fanboy is?
Have you ever sat and watched anime for twelve or more hours, straight? (bathroom breaks OK, eating away from the TV or sleeping are not OK)
Have you ever gone to Japan with the sole intention of buying anime-related goods?
Have you ever considered moving to Japan to make it easier to obtain anime-related goods?
Did you move to Japan to make it easier to obtain anime-related goods?
Do you own any anime?
Does your personal anime collection contain over 100 tapes?
Does your personal anime collection put any local Blockbuster to shame?
Do you own any subbed anime?
Do you own any imported, original form anime?
Do you own any anime on LaserDiscs (LD's)?
Do you own any anime LaserDisc box sets?
Do you own any anime models?
Have you ever constructed an anime model?
Do you know what "manga" is?
Do you own any manga?
Do you just collect manga because of the pretty pictures?
Do you own any stuffed toys of anime characters?
Do you have an anime-related calendar hanging up near your desk?
Do you have any anime-related posters?
Do you have any anime-related wall scrolls?
Is more of your wallspace covered up by anime-related goods than is not?
Do you own any anime cels?
Have you ever spent more than $200 on an anime cel?
Do you own any anime playing cards?
Do you use them to play cards?
Do you own any Ani-Mayhem cards?
Do you play Ani-Mayhem?
Do you have any anime-related video games?
Do you own any anime-related T-shirts?
Do you own more anime T-shirts than other shirts?
Have you ever designed an anime T-shirt?
Do you own any bootleg anime?
Do you own any fansubbed anime?
Do you own any items autographed by an anime creator/character designer/etc...?
Do you own any life-sized representations of anime characters? (posters, dolls, etc...)
Can you name more than five anime titles that you've seen?
Do you know who Miyazaki and Takahata are?
Have you ever seen a Miyazaki anime?
Have you ever seen a Takahata anime?
Have you seen Robotech?
Have you seen Macross?
Do you like Robotech better than Macross?
Have you ever seen any Dragon Ball?
Do you think it is the best anime ever, far above all others, and the standard by which all other anime should be judged?
Have you ever seen any Sailor Moon?
Do you think it is the best anime ever, far above all others, and the standard by which all other anime should be judged?
Have you ever seen any Ranma 1/2?
Do you think it is the best anime ever, far above all others, and the standard by which all other anime should be judged?
Have you ever seen Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Do you think it is the best anime ever, far above all others, and the standard by which all other anime should be judged?
Had you already seen most of the anime released in North America before it was commercially available there?
Have you ever seen anything by Gainax?
Do you find Otaku no Video to be inspirational?
Have you ever seen anything by CLAMP?
Can you name three or more members of CLAMP?
Do you know what Sazae-san, Doreamon, or Anpan-man is?
Do you own any anime music CD's?
Have you memorized the lyrics to your favorite anime theme song even though you don't understand Japanese?
Do you own more anime music CD's than any other kind of CD's
Do you find yourself humming/singing anime songs while in public?
Do you own any SonMay (SM) anime music CD's?
Do you own more SM anime music CD's than authentic, import ones?
Do you know what "jpop" is?
Do you own any jpop CD's?
Do you have any anime mp3's on your computer?
Is the majority of your harddrive anime mp3's?
Have you ever made any anime mp3's?
Do you run an anime mp3 website?
Have you ever been to a live performance of anime music, by the original artist(s)?
Have you ever seen an anime music video?
Have you ever created an anime music video?
Have you ever purchased an anime-related drama CD, even though you don't understand Japanese?
Have you ever done karaoke to anime music?
Do you own a TV?
Do you own a VCR deck?
Do you own a SVHS deck?
Do you own multiple VCR decks?
Do you own a LaserDisc player?
Do you own a karaoke machine?
Do you have anime webpages in your Netscape/IE bookmarks?
Do you know what the "Anipike" is?
Have you created a site dedicated to a specific anime?
Do you have anime-related stuff/links on your personal webpage (if applicable)?
Is there a link to your homepage on an anime or manga-related webpage?
Have you ever created a "favorite anime character" poll?
Have you ever created a "favorite anime" poll?
Do you own an anime-related domain name? (anime.net, ranma.com, etc...)
Do you have a web shrine to your favorite anime character/creator/seiyuu?
Are you on any anime-related mailing lists?
Do you run any anime-related mailing lists?
Do you read anime-related newsgroups?
Do you post regularly to anime-related newsgroups?
Did you create an anime-related newsgroup?
Do you participate in GRIT?
Have you ever participated in a flame war on an anime-related newsgroup or mailing list?
Did you instigate the flame war?
Do you IRC on anime-related channels?
Do you have ops on an anime-related IRC channel?
Do you hang out on #anime!?
Do you hang out on #anime?
Have you ever been kicked off (permanently) from an anime IRC channel or mailing list?
Do you use the name of an anime character as your nickname/handle?
Is that anime character of a different gender than yourself?
Do you attempt to act like your namesake character when online?
Do you play on an anime-related MUD?
Have you ever been to an anime club meeting?
Are you a member of an anime club?
Are you an officer of an anime club?
Did you help found an anime club?
Have you ever called in, or threatened to call in the authorities on an anime club or other fan-based organization?
Did you meet your significant other through an anime club, IRC channel, mailing list, etc...?
Was that your original intent?
Have you ever been to an anime convention?
Do you go to multiple anime conventions annually?
Have you ever worked on the staff of an anime convention?
Have you staffed three or more anime conventions?
Have you ever founded an anime convention?
Do you refer to dressing up as anime characters as "Cosplay"?
Have you ever "cosplay"-ed as an anime character?
Do you own more than one costume?
Have you ever worn a female Sailor Moon character costume at a convention?
And did you do it, even though you're a male?
Do you know who S. Baldric is?
Do you have anything from S. Baldric?
Are you S. Baldric?
Do you own any Arctic Animation fansubs?
Are you William Chow?
Have you ever gotten fansubs from C-Ko?
Are you C-Ko?
Has your name ever been mentioned in a parody dub/sub as part of a joke?
Do you know who Mike Tatsugawa is?
Have you ever been hit on by Mike Tatsugawa?
And remained on AX staff?
Do you know who Apollo Smile is?
Are you a fan of hers?
Do you know what a "seiyuu" is?
Can you recognize any seiyuu visually?
Can you immediately identify any seiyuu by the sound of their voice?
Do you own any seiyuu paraphenilia? (posters, CD's, etc...)
Have you ever met your favorite seiyuu?
Do you know the vital statistics(height, weight, blood type, etc...) of your favorite anime seiyuu?
Do you own any paraphenilia of your favorite anime character? (posters, CD's, etc...)
Do you know the vital statistics(height, weight, blood type, etc...) of your favorite anime character?
Have you ever strongly desired to date an anime character?
Do you evaluate potential signifigant others by their similarity (looks and/or personality-wise) to your favorite anime character or seiyuu?
Have you ever described yourself or someone else by comparing them to an anime character?
Are you personal friends with any anime seiyuu, directors, character designers, etc...?
Have you stalked your favorite anime creator or seiyuu (If yes, please send us email about it so we can notify the proper law enforcement authorities)?
Have you ever had an anime-related dream?
Was it sexual in content?
Do you know what the words "hentai" and "ecchi" mean?
Do you know what "yaoi" means?
Do you know what "doujinshi" is?
Do you own any doujinshi?
If yes, is most of your doujinshi non-hentai?
Have you ever drawn any anime fanart?
Have you created a doujinshi featuring anime characters?
Have you ever written any anime fanfic?
Have you ever drawn any hentai fanart?
Have you ever written any hentai fanfic?
Do you own any hentai anime?
Do you own more hentai anime than non-hentai anime?
Have you created any hentai/yaoi doujinshi featuring anime characters?
Do you have a subscription to a Japanese anime magazine? (Newtype, Animage, etc...)?
Do you buy the Japanese anime magazines even though you don't know Japanese?
Do you purchase Japanese anime magazines just for the included goodies?
Do you have a subscription to any US anime or manga-related magazines?
Have you ever seen an anime fandub parody?
Have you ever voice acted in one?
Have you ever fansubbed an anime title? (using a genlock, doing the timing, etc...)?
Have you been involved in the translation of a fansub?
Have/Do you run a fansub distribution service?
Is your significant other also an anime fan? (if applicable)?
Have you considered moving to Japan to break into the anime/manga industry?
Did you succeed?
Do you know what the word "otaku" means, literally?
Have you studied Japanese just so you will be able to watch untranslated anime and/or read untranslated manga?
Have you ever answered a question with "hai"?
Have you ever answered the telephone with "moshi moshi"?
Have you read up on Japanese history and popular culture to improve the number of jokes you understand in anime?
Have you watched a live-action anime-related show?
Do native Japanese people walk into your room and go "sugoi!"?
Have you ever bought Japanese food products at your local asian market because you saw a commercial for them on an anime tape?
Have you ever been told that you should drop the anime habit, since "cartoons are for kids"?
Do you refuse (or greatly dislike) to watch anime outside of a single genre?
Will you watch anything as long as it has been animated in Japan, no matter what the content?
Have you ever compared something that happened to you to something that happened in an anime title?
Have you ever lost your job because of anime?

The higher your percentage, the more of an otaku you are.


Anime? Is that like Speed Racer?


Part-time otaku (you probably have a real life...)


Full-time otaku in training (not yet willing to leave one's life behind)


Full-time otaku (past the point of no return)


Shameful otaku


Shameless otaku!


Dark Prince of otaku (virgin SVHS decks I sacrifice unto you)


Inspiration for Perfect Blue






번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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